Calling all Fall 2025 Kindergarten Students and Parents!
Welcome to Scott County School District 2!
It’s time to enroll your Kindergarten student in our full-day K programs available at Johnson Elementary School, Lexington Elementary School, Scottsburg Elementary School, and Vienna-Finley Elementary School! This year’s enrollment event will take place in your school of residence.
What children are eligible to attend? Children turning five before August 1, 2025 are eligible to enroll in Kindergarten. Those not turning five by the deadline are eligible to enroll in our PreK program.
Can my child “early enroll?” Early enrollment waivers will be considered for students turning five between August 2, 2025 and October 1, 2025. Requests should be directed to Kristin Nass, SCSD2 Director of Grants and Programs. Call 812-752-8946 (ext. 1070) or email at Parents making early enrollment requests will not attend April enrollment unless seeking a PreK opportunity as a back-up plan. Early enrollees will invited to an evaluation appointment in late May/early June. The evaluation results will guide the early enrollment determinations which will be made in June.
Where and when do we enroll? Our enrollment event will take place in individual school buildings allowing you to meet school staff and explore your future classrooms!
Tuesday, April 1, 2025 4-7 PM @ Johnson Elementary
Tuesday, April 1, 2025 4-7 PM @ Scottsburg Elementary
Thursday, April 3, 2025 4-7 PM @ Lexington Elementary
Thursday, April 3, 2025 4-7 PM @ Vienna-Finley Elementary
What if I cannot attend my enrollment night? Contact your building principal to schedule an enrollment appointment sometime before April 30, 2025.
Johnson Elementary- Mrs. Carrie Carter 812-752-8923
Lexington Elementary- Mr. Nick South 812-752-8924
Scottsburg Elementary- Mr. Charles Bottorff 812-752-8922
Vienna-Finley Elementary- Mrs. Tiffany Copple 812-752-8925
What if I do not know my school of residence? Check this map or contact any elementary school for assistance. Students residing outside of SCSD2 should register at the school site nearest their home.
What if I’d like to attend a school other than my school of residence? Families may request a transfer to a different school during enrollment at the school of residence. Transfer decisions will be made in early June.
What should I bring to enrollment?
What happens at the enrollment event?
If we enroll in April, are we good to show up at school on August 6th? No! Enrollment is the first of a two step process! You will be contacted by your building principal regarding July/August fall 2025 registration details.
How much does Kindergarten cost? Unlike PreK, Kindergarten tuition is subsidized by the state. Families will be responsible for a few supplies and will cover meal costs (dependent on qualification for the free or reduced federal lunch program).
What if I have additional questions? Please get in touch with your building principal at the numbers listed above.
*What immunizations does my child need to start school? Our school nurses will answer any questions for you on this topic at enrollment night or by phone during the school day. Immunization records are required by the start of school. Many Indiana children’s records are accessible by the school on the statewide CHIRP system. If your child is up-to-date in CHIRP, you will not need to produce records. In general, incoming students are required to have the following immunizations.
DtaP (Diptheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis): 4 doses
IPV (Inactivated Polio Vaccine): 4 doses
MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella): 1 dose
Varicella (Chickenpox): 2 doses after age 1, or a doctor's statement that your child had
the disease
Hepatitis B: 3 doses
Hepatitis A: 2 doses
*Annual Influenza vaccination is recommended but not required
**Covid-19 vaccinations are not required for admission to SCSD2 schools